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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pot Traveling Car

I was the only one with a trustworthy clean roomy car, I got it serviced regularly thinking that whatever this 1990 GEO metro needed, it deserved! Not only where those four little wheels checked out regularly but they were so loved by ME, I thought of that car like it was my own personal horse, as if it was up to me to protect it. In Fact, I realized that car was the only thing I owned worth ANYTHING! So I had it for 6 years without as much as just a random broken belt. Once when my roommates and friends needed to go somewhere they asked me to drive, knowing I would say "SURE" like always. They could squeeze into a french vanilla smelling car with perfectly cleaned windows and working good seat belts....
When I first filled up my little white four door car for only $9, I squealed out loud in the gas station at the register lady and hugged the stranger behind me, everyone was laughing at me but I was holding my usually already spent 20 dollar bill for my other car, a big gray tanker that sucked up gas like soda pop! NOW I was bewildered and so happy to fill my NEW car on less money! I celebrated by purchasing everything I saw at the counter for an extra treat! I knew at that moment it was pure devotion I had for my little girlie car!

Dan was Sarah's boyfriend, Sarah was the newest roommate to our 2 bedroom apartment in Caldwell Idaho, Holly and her close friend John piled into the backseat of my car along with Sarah as Dan took the front while I drove.  My car always made me proud, getting us out on to the freeway safely, Dan grabbed my dashboard as we drove along the wide open lengthy freeway, "COPS!" the other 3 people in the back gasped and began freaking "HOLY SHIT!", "FFFUCK Noooo", "OH MY GOD!" I was the ONLY one not freaking out as I drove along shaking my head chuckling "What is it about cops with you guys? Every time we see one y'all wet yourselves? Hahahaha Cops are the good guys keeping single women like us safe in our homes, hahahahaha." I lived in a different world then most street wised college aged kids my age. Dan whispered "Just drive carefully, drive safely..Debby please just keep your eyes on the road." I frowned because I was under the impression that they all wanted to go out to a big party in the country where Dan lived. And they were all going to stay there if they drank to much at least that is what I had them promise me. Being safe, being smart when at a party was all I ever preached really I thought this was just a quick drop off to let them have a fun time. Suddenly, my chuckling ended as I watched my driving thinking about WHY cops would upset everyone so connections were all coming together...and Debby's happy go lucky world went crashing down as I shouted out "What the HELL are you carrying on YOU?!?!? THIS IS MY CAR, MY RESPONSIBILITY!" Dan showed me his big bag of pot and I went off all over again, I understood it wasn't as scary as cocaine or acid, yet I was still upset to have not been told. Even though I didn't put up a fight when the pot smoking circle of people were on my patio, I would just baked chocolate chips and set out bite size candy bars before I went to bed. Caring for people even if I didn't understand why they liked doing what they did, was very important to me. So by the time I dropped them all off safely at the party, I said loud and clear just like the parent I felt I was sometimes... "You can NOT hide this from me and NEVER take anything illegal in my car again, what if they took my car away if we got pulled over? I would be crushed! YOU ALL BE SAFE Pppleaseee!" Everyone seemed to agree and promise not to repeat that situation every again. Then I drove away with a sigh of relief, thinking it's time I started paying more attention to the world around me. (This was when I did my research on all the names of drugs and what they do to your body, so I would be smart enough to know if ever I was driving a group of people right into a jail situation again)....Perhaps that is why I loved my car so much, I felt really safe in there while driving around a crazy world!

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