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Monday, May 2, 2011

My Dirty Laundry

There is a saying or a "Catch phrase" that even my husband uses quite often about people airing their dirty laundry. What I disagree with this is that sometimes airing "Dirty Laundry" is the only way to fix the stinking baggage in our lives. Sometimes a true friend is there to listen and help. Have you ever noticed a pile of laundry? Have you ever seen the dirty clothes get bigger in the collection? The smell after awhile gets really rank and then what happens? This laundry will cover the room! Then the whole house stinks and the fact that there is dirty laundry rotting in your home makes you never want to go back. When the situation gets out of control like this, I think it's time to take the dirty Laundry out to air! In much the same way our lives are full with crushing stories and hurtful memories that eat away at us like dirty laundry. The tough work of washing our clothes is so worth it, the scrubbing, the cleaning and the airing out bring us happiness! ( For what once was a useless clump of stinky clothes, can be worn proudly) I LOVE taking dirty laundry and watching it become clean again, hanging back up in the closest nicely and ready to go again! If we do not deal with our personal "Dirty Laundry", if we never share it or wash our emotional self of it, then how can we be renewed again? So I may totally disagree and disapprove of the "Don't air your dirty laundry" commonly used phrase because I know better, because dirty laundry itself needs to be dealt with....It isn't about bad mouthing the people you know, it's about sharing the pain you are carrying around to be helped with, to heal again. Everyone has laundry, everyone has a story that needs closer. So I say bravely "Take your dirty laundry out to washed again and then let it fly high in the fresh new warmth of a new day! Let it come clean from deep within your very soul! Let it be fixed, let it be healed! We should encourage everyone to deal with their dirty laundry! 
For have you ever smelled those sun kissed bed sheets after a hard day's work?


  1. I have always heard it as "don't air your dirty laundry in public" and i agree with that one. Your loved ones don't love him as you do and they are not likely to forgive as quickly and I believe that is why you don't air it in public.

  2. I think that is what my husband said too, it's one thing to never deal with your dirty laundry in your own life, by avoiding to talk about it and another to just sit around bitching about it also. So what I talking about is the willingness to face it head on and see what wonderful things come from sharing with others:-)
