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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Wild Montana Skies- John Denver

Yesterday I walked the market in Meridian and met up with my friends, I visited and hung out getting henna art work done on my arms.
I have mentioned before that my life long friend Tiffany can do AMAZING art work! When she lived with me we did tons of henna in our summer weather.
She has her own booth now in markets and festivals. Her girls had monumental birthdays this spring so we 4 went out for a nice special dinner and a fun evening together. I love these friends of mine!
While I was there yesterday listening to the live music I mention how he sounded like John Denver and Tally who is now 13 replied "It probably is."
I choked and chuckled at her saying that in such a real teenager way, I am old. 
I like being old so much that I can explain how John Denver is a classic icon, a real american singer.
The ideas he brings forth in music before he died is a honor to the past and a honor to our country's wilderness, freedom and landscaping for hope.
Yesterday I walked around thinking of how nice it is to be wiser and calmer, yet being 13 years old was a very passionate time back in my life, I wanted my ears pierced, I wanted to do my own hair (Because my mom was always doing our hair) I wanted freedom in being different and in learning new things yet I felt trapped. I felt at 13 years old I should grow up at sit at the table with the ladies over tea in the afternoons yet the younger kids ran all over the farm for fun so after sitting with tea I realized I hated it so much. I have my whole life to sit around talking why not go get dirty playing soccer on the gravel road?  
I see in my friend the same mixed feelings of being a kid and being a new teenager now too.
I love that she is growing up, that she has been in my life along side her mother and her sister Abby who is now an adult. I love them so much that my heart burst with such happiness in seeing them again!

For being apart of their magical family has always given me such joy!
Let the gardening days begin!

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