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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

In My heart

In my heart I see life moving so quickly forward, I want to stand still forever in place and say "No wait! The morning has just begun! Wait for the noon sunshine...don't rush me!"

In my mind I know why I am angry that Sidda died suddenly in this month when I wasn't ready for it...Then again I will never be ready for death of any kind as it has found me many times on my knees....

In my soul I feel a strong desire to rise up into the sun light and never look back! 

In my heart it's the looking back that comforts me and makes me so very proud of the life I have lived!

In the future I want to still be able to say in confidence and in love "It is well with my soul!"

In my past I learned all about God through Christianity, I have come to realize those are good things within it's own limitations, for my imagination was created to grow into the universe of knowing ALL things are made possible by the story we choose.....

In my time on this earth I choose love. I won't waste any more time wishing I had been given more knowledge back then to be a better person, it's the journey of personal choice that teaches us along the way exactly what we are made of.

In my hope for the days ahead I see many more animals I can rescue and help, I can learn from and have this great love always beating in my heart! For this is the most beautiful world to live in and to be apart of right now! All politics aside, all history related and all systems of faith on hold just look before you and see this spectacular world! I am so grateful to breath among it's great beauty and help out in every way I can!

In my journey lately I have seen such wide open country sides and I have thought about all the things I can grow while holding closely my last dog. Sweet stories have closure as new chapters begin.....

In my heart I am as I am in just being, in grieving and in believing that hope with such deep joy shall never leave me. 

In my eyes I feel such strength ahead into the unknown.....

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