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Monday, May 13, 2019

Our Sweet Summer day!


            The heat of the summer morning was coming in as I drank my coffee, I stood looking out over our new home in Boise Idaho that first part of July in 2011. I called that magical place "The cottage." for it was a home we were the happiest we ever will be....

The morning fresh air had Oscar and Sidda walking along the new light of day as the cat Tinker laid under the lilac bush while I admire such a wonderful place to be.

The heat of the soon to arrived mid day had me helping the irrigation system flow into my sweet elder neighbor's yard next door,  Bernice loved gardening as much as I did. Since she had to be careful walking back into the wild landscape of the water source I would usually set my alarm to get up and get the water changed over for her, then as soon as she had flooded her land I would take over the use of the water system for my own huge lot. I carried a shovel and wore big protective boots along with my sun hat and cut off jeans I felt very happy on such an important water day! I felt almost like a real farmer yet I was just 5 minuets from the downtown city center.

I loved those early mornings, long afternoons just knowing everything was drinking against the rising summer temperatures, with bird baths, big water bowls in the shade of the trees and bushes where even squirrels love to soak in. Getting water out on to the earth before the sunshine soaked it all up was my every day goal!

The heat of the summer made it so very important that I stayed focused on where my irrigation water flowed as I created a huge pond like setup in my backyard surrounding the classic old pear tree, I loved the fact my little garden was easily watered and how the grass turned dark green while soaking. It was as I standing there watching, leaning on my shovel listening to the radio that I caught a flash of white fur shot by me. In the hottest part of that summer day as the water pooled up into ankle deep refreshing cooling ways across my long backyard a flash of a very little fluffy dog named Sidda zoomed right by me. I laughed out loud as she frolicked through the water so happy and so easily soaked through with one circling dance! I stood in awe and complete shock that Oscar had come to play with her as she was wanting, these 2 dogs ran together in such a delightful frenzy and pure happiness to plunge into the whole backyard under water!
I loved the joy and the delight they had in their shared life on that sweet summer day!
I stood in awe that Oscar who hated water mostly or especially avoid sprinklers was now just as soaked through as Sidda! She had gotten him off the dry patio and out into fun pool she had discovered! They rolled with each other, they danced with each other and race across together spraying out sparkling drops of liquid as I watched on in awe and admiration that I could create a perfect world for them to play so happily ever after in!
I know they had a friendship, a trust for life from starting out their first summer together in such a magical great world full of nature and safety, I found myself laughing deeply then laying down in the water with them jumping over me on that great day!

I look back knowing even then it had been an amazing day to see Oscar trust the water, to simply play with Sweet Sidda who was having the greatest time of her life bouncing all around me.
Then the 3 of us all wet and muddy took a nap in a pile of blankets and pillows on the sunny patio as I thought to myself there is no greater day then THIS very day in cuddling my 2 wet playful pup pups for the rest of my life!

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