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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Doug Bug

I was 16 years old when my second baby brother was born. Douglas slipped right into this world quickly and quietly then he grew up as the middle child often just observing everyone else around him. He never really hurried to talk since his older brother Daren did that for him. I was truly happy on the day Dougie was born, I took care of Daren almost completely while we adjusted to the newborn thing again in our family. Doug wasn't a fussy baby, he smiled easily as he was always held by someone. One afternoon shortly after he arrived into this world I overheard him crying angrily from his crib while I knew our mother was soaking in the tub so I left the house only to arrive back an hour later to find him STILL crying! Then I sensed something was wrong. My first thought was to chew my mother out for ignoring him so long! Dougie was just a few days old and needed to eat that is why he had been crying for so long. I picked him up and calmed him down, I called out to the closed bathroom door for our mother. I laid the baby back down in his crib, quickly hurrying into my parent's bathroom only to find my mother passed out on the floor. She came to as I bent down to help her up again. She acted like it was no big deal as she said she had an hormonal imbalance then passed out. I didn't know what the hell that even meant, though I remembered that  sudden fear of seeing my mother laying on the floor! It all had made me realize that if anything ever happened to her these boys would need me to raise them. It was a changing moment in my life, as I helped my mom to bed and I watched over her carefully wondering if I was actually ready for this unknown adulthood my self. I guess some 16 year old girls get to go to parties or out to movies, instead I heated bottles, changed diapers, read stories and watched cartoons. I was completely consumed in the world of babies. I hardly even looked at my school work, since there was a household to run. Looking back I am grateful for spending my time in that way because I was able to mature, I was able to see how important the job of parenting is. Dougie has such love and kindness towards everyone that I knew he was a true gift to have in our lives! He also loved jumping off the couch with me on to the living room floor at the end of watching an episode of "Little House on the Prairie". One summer afternoon we had a big bubble bath outside in the kiddie pool. Dougie was giggling the whole time he really thought that was awesome! When it was time to wash my car I would get Daren and Dougie to smear mud all over it, to make it look even more dirty then we would have a fun mud fight! Having 2 baby brothers in my teen years allowed me to be creative in activities and all kinds of games. When both boys slept over in my bedroom at night we would pile all the stuffed animals together then run and jump into them, and usually after those boys ran out all their energy they would fall asleep in a playing position while I sat writing in my journals into the early hours of morning. They were so cute as they slept, I would watch over them wondering what kind of life will they grow up to have? I also prayed for them and knew that I was so lucky to share these moments, these memories with them. 

"Hey There Doug Bug, its super early whatcha doing up?" I asked as I moved around the kitchen reaching for a bowl of cereal, I was surprised to see my 4 year old brother awake. He shrugged while yawning then climbing up on a tool next to me as I fixed him a bowl of cereal too. We ate our breakfast in peaceful quietness, unlike our brother Daren who would have been chatting on about something, Dougie never really talked that much. I smiled as we sat together for he was so adorable with his bed head sticking up blond hair and dangling little legs off his stool. We ended up meeting every morning after that for breakfast. He always woke up quietly, sat next to me and ate his cereal then he went back to bed after giving me a soft gentle hug as I strolled off to work. Sometimes he would grin as I left jokingly saying "Sugar, Sugar." I would reply "Ah Honey, Honey." Because that was one of the songs I sang to him all the time, Then we both would giggle!


  1. You do have an insight and maturity when it comes to kids! You just accept them as they are and let them express themselves. I think its great that kids are always drawn to you. You have a natural calmness and approachability that most parents don't even have! <3

  2. Oooooh how sweet to say! i can relate to kids because I remember very well what it felt like to be them in that age.<3
