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Friday, July 1, 2011


I can not move fast enough! When neighbors upstairs stomp around or yell at each other I tell myself the number of days left in this tiny place! How funny to have lived here 7 years without all the noise we have now from upstairs! Our first neighbor up there was a single woman, who was hoarding. She bought something every single day for 6 years! I always noticed this about her then she suddenly moved when her water pipe broke and leaked into our bathroom. The repair men and I could NOT get into her place because of the millions of things she hoarded! It was the most amazing thing I have EVER seen, from floor to ceiling her STUFF was stacked and thick there was NO moving anything to get in to her home! I lived downstairs in the same floor plan with wide open rooms...I found it all amazing AND it was why we Never ever heard her walking around at all! Maybe it is good she was a hoarder? We hardly had any problems with noisy neighbors until she moved out....IRONIC! The noise increased once she moved out, First starting with the remolding projects of laying carpet at 1am in the morning this past spring, it was so loud that it woke up the entire building! (Our dog Oscar is STILL terrified by that ever happening again) I guess they had some kind of jack hammer going off at 1am, it was all truly insane! Then there was a wild little crazy dog that barked endlessly all the time. We have lived here for the last 7 years and lately everything seems truly noisy! I thought I would miss this place but in 3 days I know I will walk away from it all very happy to start our new life in a normal small house with a bit more privacy! I have boxes ready and everything organized.....imagine ME super organized hahahahaha IT ALL BEGINS this weekend! 


  1. Oh goodness! I didn't know you guys were moving! Where will you be now? Still in Boise?

  2. We will be in Boise for at least another year because Tony wants to try for law school still....I am so excited about this new place. For it is a romantic cottage, a REAL home<3
