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Friday, January 27, 2017

Tour the States - Official Music Video

Since life flies by, I have been thinking about how much fun it would be to take a new adventure. I love road trips with a clean car, packed up nicely. New car tires and new break pads as the music plays while I drink my hot coffee travel cup and have a cozy sweater to wear until I get hot in the afternoon then I enjoy my tank top. Traveling can be stressful if you aren't prepared correctly, so I plan everything out for as much as I can. 
I love when I get into the mountains, when I get on the road with the landscape changing from the city line to the wilderness. To see such nature all around me, while I am cruising on through to somewhere magical and new! 
America has always been great in such beautiful land, full of all kinds of animals and rivers. 
We have grown in population to it's demise, we need to teach the next generations to have that magical awe and respect for the land and to help them see what wonders that are out there in this beautiful land!
As long as we can see what a treasure this earth is then we can keep it safe and healthy.
We can live within our means, within our resources and honor the land in the much needed respect and protection that it needs.
I love that feeling on a road trip, the gas and oil I am using to get somewhere is apart of the problem yet it brings the whole world of wonders right before my very eyes within hours!
How magical is every little things happening at the same time? How exciting it is to get out into nature, to the ocean and wide open skyline? How perfect is the night sky above the evergreen trees in natural darkness?
There is the call of the wild, the call of true strength and the importance in the survival of our human society. Once we learn how to balance everything, it's a beautiful picture of all that is living.
It's awe inspiring to see all that we are and all that we can be! 

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