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Monday, November 25, 2013

The Car from the Future!

                When I was in Northern Idaho last month I flew into Spokane Washington for my big family reunion of all the ladies, I know that I have shared often how much I love all my Aunts! Seeing them again is like putting on a warm cozy sweater! 
My cousin Cally was able to swing in and pick me up that night after I got off the plane. She was the one I did everything with as a kid, her older sister Trina always had us organized in all our games, in all our nature walks. I love them both of course! But it was Cally and I who grabbed on to each other for support and screamed if there was a snake in the field or a bird fly over our heads! I followed Cally everywhere!  We seemed to paired up in anything we did. Then the years and the days separated us as life will often do. I still feel like I will always know her and she will know me, coming back in contact over these last couple of years has me so happy to see that she is still so classy,  Now life for her sounds really awesome! Her career and her home all sounds fascinating to me, I am glad she is doing so good! But really it was her magical new car that made this night so memorable! 
Because THIS was a car from the future, I am not joking it was so super COOL!
(Now I know that I drive a basic four door car for the last decade, so this could be why I think her new car is from the FUTURE but let me tell ya it was SWEET!)

We swung into a store that reminded me of our own Boise Co-op, I loved it! Full of wine, snacks and my much need bottle water. It was called "Huckleberry Market." Right there in Spokane in the dark fall night. Cally was delightful, beautiful and sweet! We both enjoyed knowing a lot about wines and grabbing what we would need for the rest of the weekend. Then we hit road for that hour's drive out to meet the rest of our family. When her phone rang the car would send it through the speakers, I would look around in awe! When I got the shivers from cold she turned on our seats to heat up and it all felt like we glided over the roads! I was in such comfort, in such awe over this nice car that when we hit the mountain side following the directions and mile markers I felt so very safe! 
Then we turned off a little to soon down a steep slope road that felt like a water slide twisting like a snake down to the Courd'Alene lake side. Cally stopped before going around the rest of the mountain corner as we realized this road was very very narrow now. She jumped out to go look ahead of her car while I sat feeling helpless like a moment from an episode of "The Walking Dead"! Darkness and forest trees surrounded us with a cliff on one side that went right down into the lake! I spun around in my seat alarmed that Cally bravely leaped out and came back saying "It's a dead end! Where are we? Good thing you said something about this road I think it's now a walking path NOT a road anymore!" We laughed and I exclaimed "You were so fast! Suddenly I am ALL alone in here thinking how zombies could SO get us now!"
I began wondering about just how will we back out of THIS place now??? It was steep and narrow with only one way out straight back the way we had just drove! 
Okay so HERE is why I think she has a really AWESOME Car from the FUTURE....
Because as she reversed while we realized we needed to find the main road again she never looked back over her shoulder and I was twisting, jerking and flipping out that she was NOT looking back as we drove back out the scary way we had just come down!?!?!?
She noticed my sudden movements of my alarm,  yet she kept driving backwards so perfectly chuckling as I feared for our lives! Then of course I noticed the computer screen in the dashboard showing the rear camera as she drove back so effortlessly and I let out a sigh of realization! "THAT is SOOOOO AWESOME!" I exclaimed in my bewilderment as we climb out of the mountain side. Cally was laughing at my naive ways, I was truly dumbfounded by it all!  Her magical vehicle got us to our Aunts and to the warm cozy condo that night so safely and in true style! I loved our "off road" adventures and most importantly I loved being in Cally's car from the FUTURE! 

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