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Saturday, June 4, 2011


I love my writing time more then anything! I think it relaxes my mind and sets me into focus for a peaceful result! Very much like in meditation, my writing puts my memories and thoughts in order.

I want my writing to tell the story of who I am and how I got here, of why I think the way I do.

I hope my writing can help someone relate with me, or find a helpful tip for their own life. 
Maybe I can find some life long friends through my writing, my sharing of who I am and how I live my life.

I love my writing because it is apart of me, of how I think. Most importantly of how I remember!

I want to connect to the world around me, through my writing I hope to always be honest and open in my new discoveries!

I hope that this blog can do JUST THAT! Share, explain, remember and encourage!

I see my life as one big long story full of magical moments, life lessons and true Loves. Full of lessons and meaning. For in Everything I have lived, it all floods from my pen coming from my writing spirit, from my very own heart and soul!

Write On.....

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