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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Dream world | the lost art of wonder

I dream every single night.
I have dreamed through out my whole life from as far back in my 4 decades as I can ever remember. 
I believe those dreams have taught me something along the way and have directed my next morning choices through out my whole life.
Example I dreamed that I am almost drowned as a kid and so I asked my mother for swimming lessons the very next day. My whole life is motivated by what I dreamed the night before and what topic I need to learn about or address in my life that is unfinished.
I dream so clearly usually that when a dream gets way to weird my husband will say "See, that's normal because dreams don't need to have purpose or reason there are not hidden agendas or deep meanings in dreams. They are simply not real as the brain fires off energy while going to sleep or almost waking up."  
I agree that I will always look for the profound and the amazing in my dreams, simply on my own I truly enjoy them all the time. It is very rare to have a bad dream or a scary story pop into my head. Yet when it does I never forget that dream not ever. The fear is fussing fact of never forgetting what was so terrifying about that dream. I am not a complicated person, I don't any medication or rarely even pain killers, I am not into smoking pot or eating mushrooms and I sure as hell never tried drugs. I dream as clearly and as vividly as being awake, I really like that place in my dreams were I am bursting forth such happiness and such perfect peacefulness of knowing I am right where I am meant to be, just here in my own dream.
I have had some the greatest conversation with my father in my dream, the one person I never knew how to talk to while growing up, That one person who challenged me all the time because I was so drastically different then him, and yet I always tried to understand why he was the way he was? I think I was more like him then either of us realized so by trying to teach me to be smart or strong he had to behave so aggressively with me because I was born not aggressive at all. The world can be seen as full of weak and strong people, I dream once that my father said to me directly and calmly "I don't know how you can be so open, be so honest and real without attracting such bad people to take advantage of you for it." in my dream I liked talking to him as easily as my best friend on these thoughtful things. I explained to him that I was born already strong and smart so no matter who I meet I can hold my own in good behavior and good manners so that when they make their move in being mean to me they have already lost. They have to live with themselves, so I don't have to get involved with them for long. Dreams are not real and I completely get that. 
That conversation with my father was a conversation with myself in the dream he was never really there but he represent unfinished dialogue. And I don't like unfinished anything so I dream up important topics and come to a feeling of closure on my own.
This is why I have such amazing dreams! Empowering perfect places that all is well and all is completed! I am often waking up in the morning with a feeling of "What a great dream that was! I loved talking over a beer with my best friend like that!" or I smile hoping I will dream again to talk more with my father about history, religion and politics. My husband reminds me that dreams are really just me talking to myself so I know that by seeing in my dream how easy it is to talk to a family member after all I take that new idea into real life. I feel empowered by my dreams to not live in fear or in a guarded uncertain way. 
I will never loose my art of wonder!  I honor my dreaming world as a true gift of insight and of comfort!
I just saw my brother Derek there in my dreams a day or so ago and he warned me, he came in such a hurry and he couldn't stay long but he said "You are in danger. You can't share how easily it is to find you in the dream world then all sorts of people will haunt you! People are coming to take advantage of you so I had to swing by and let ya know." I smiled and hugged my brother as I felt once again happier then I have in such a long time. I replied "I won't let anyone take advantage, I'm not going to stop dreaming just because it can get scary." 
I woke up realizing I am not going to stop living just because it can get so hard, so difficult to grow older. I am not going to be as naive as I once was that is a true fact but I am not going to shutting down and closing myself off from the wonders of all things that I delight in.
I dream to learn, I dream to connect and I dream to wonder,
For being awake and going to sleep is all so intertwined for me in balancing my life.

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