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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Becoming Timeless

In the week leading up to laying our Minnie girl to rest, I spent every single day all day long at home. My husband was very grateful I gave his favorite dog so much love and comfort in her last days with great treats and good foods. He ordered on line a special gift for me as a comfort and a thank you from him in helping him through this very hard time in his life.

I was both surprised and in awe to receive the complete series of "Journey Man."  If you have read from my posts in the past that TV series was amazing to me in 2008 when it aired on regular prime time. The way we watch anything now is on streaming at our own schedule which is pure wonderful and relaxing because we control more then ever before what we want to watch.
When "Journey Man." was on it was fascinating to watch while folding my laundry or deep cleaning my kitchen I could look up at the screen to catch such interesting story lines.
Then suddenly in only one season it was gone. A tragic loss of entertainment to me because of the huge Hollywood writer's strike and it never made a come back so I was left to talk about it year after year I would make a joke or share idea in time travel. My husband had never seen the show in actual time but He always laughed at me when I brought it back up as one of the best shows I had ever seen.
A few weeks ago at his work while they were talking about TV shows that they all really liked one of his co-workers said that "Journey Man." was a tragedy of the writer's strike in 2007/2008. 
My husband was stunned to hear this from anyone other then me! He laughed so much thinking how shock he was that other people missed that show as much as I did!
He ordered this one of a kind find for me in hopes that on the day we laid to rest Minnie then I could be comforted by an old favorite show. I watched the first 4 episode back to back that long first night without Minnie, it helped to be comforted by how good this show still is! Those sad nights in the first week of really missing Minnie I watched on in true joy a show I will always love! A TV series that reminds me of being 28 years old in a cozy clean condo cooking dinner to the theme song of everything moving backwards. This gift is timeless, these 13 episodes are a complete classic with a great ending that could of gone on into being as popular on the TV screen as "Lost." or  "ER." who knows what it could of become if the writers strike hadn't happened. So much like Dan Vasser I want to be able to go back in time and fix the problems maybe be of some kind of help!  My husband did admit this show is actually really good and interesting, he still thinks I am funny to carry on for 11 years about it. I truly believe that when something is so very good it becomes timeless, it's an idea that is shared no matter the time line or the culture.
I love reading the DVD case and knowing this was a real show that I happened to catch on the fly of living my brilliant life back then!

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