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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Becoming Real

My husband Tony loves Nicholas Cage movies, he gets excited for another "National Treasure." to come out and I will always love when he stood up cheering in the movie theater for Nicholas Cage appeared in a preview just after all the young girls were screaming over a preview of the latest "Twilight."  He was the only man in that room with me watching a Harry Potter so he could see how time has shifted and he was lost to why all the screaming was unfolding as I leaned over explaining "It's Twilight....He's a werewolf." my husband left that movie asking me when did we get so old?
He's cheering for Nicholas Cage was priceless as the whole crowded theater was silent only one father clapped and laughed with us as Tony shouted out "He's my hero! my main man! Wooohoo!" 
It was a classic moment and a great memory of how fast life can shift into pop culture, as you may know the names of all the movie stars 10 years later suddenly you don't.....
I love to tease my husband whenever he gets excited about a movie Nicholas Cage is in by saying dreamily "He's best movie is always going to be "City of Angels." He rolls his eyes and says "Stop! No that's not true, he's done way better since you'll say "Family Man." is your second favorite of him...please." I laugh and nodded while smiling at how fun it is to know all the same movies with each other. I think the older we get the less we really know about new things, new movies or new actors. So there is comfort in remembering our own youthful movie theater going days of dating. I still go to the movies and I love theaters in the afternoons all quiet and open while I drink my coffee or eat my popcorn. I like being on my own so much that I worry maybe it's not healthy?
I will always love the big screen in a public place with darkness all around as I discover a whole new world from the film!
I watched "City of Angels." in the theater when it was first released in 1998, the poster on the wall of the movie theater made me think it was a lovey dovey story so I went alone knowing how annoying it is to take someone who gets uncomfortable or bored.  I truly delighted in the film, in the story so I often bring it back into conversation whenever I hear Nicholas Cage's name.

The message of the film is true there is always a cost in becoming real, in becoming your best self.
You have to be brave first and foremost, everything else is out of your control.

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