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Thursday, April 25, 2019

25 Days later...

      I was just writing yesterday about how much I dream and how much I love it.

So when I woke up this morning I felt so amazing!
I was truly so happy for I had such a surprise dream that now it makes 25 days ago when we put Minnie to sleep. 
I had laid with her on the floor of our home where she had a perfect morning on her last day, I had kept my face in hers so she could smell me and know me while being sedated. She was so deeply loved and so deeply connected to us through thick and thin we rescued her after having our lives turned upside down in every way, and we were heading right into the unknown and unplanned life of chaos and poverty. YET she came to us still.....
She gave us laughter when we wanted to just cry.
She cuddled up each and every night right by our sides.
She never met a dog or a person she didn't like, (Except she didn't like my sister).
She was happy with nothing if it meant she was still with us in our day events.
She woke up every morning even in our most struggling of days she woke up with joy and gratefulness to still be alive so that gave us a better sense that our worries will not last nor can they be more important then enjoy this imperfect way of life. She helped us just see life as it is and not as it should be.
She will always be the sweetest dog I have ever known, no desire to dominate others and no desire to  stay outside for long. She would go inside and lay her head on the open door frame to watch the other pets be outside because she really liked being inside more. Minnie had a soft devoted look on her face in every moment of seeing us or going with us to a new place. This look told a story of survival that she will never forget, before she hit the 'jackpot." with us she had to stay alert and stay alive in very scary and confusing ways in which her eyes told a story of old even though she was probably very young maybe 4 years old when she came to live with us in the winter of 2012. 
Minnie Mouse Shively was a great family dog, kids laid on her and cats too!
She never snapped back if she was annoyed instead she simply move away or hid under things. She communicated with grunts and groans instead of barking much. If when she could still hear the thunder storms never fazed her as long as she was in her home or on her bed she was right where she wanted to be, and made her a visually happy dog.
So last night I dream of her, in my amazement I saw her a long couch in my dream she was young and healthy looking with that big sweet grin and tongue hanging out a bit, Those brown eyes were shinning with joy and happiness as she was on the really long not normal long couch full of children I have never met. These children were saying "Here's Minnie! Here's Minnie, she's right here! SEE!" I laughed and hugged these kids as they bounced all around Minnie on the couch with them. I said in my dream knowing I was dreaming "Well good, thank you for finding her!" I was amazed this couch was in a garden not living room after all as my brother Derek came to me yet he was just a kid too. This surprised me for I had not seen his 10 year old self in my dreams before! I was alarmed for a moment in my dream last night as the couch full of children loved on Minnie Mouse my kid brother said to me like he often did back when he was 10 and I was 13 years old. "Don't worry so much, everyone is doing good."   and I woke up so very very happy!
I woke up this morning knowing it's true, my dreams are the best they have ever been as life is getting harder then ever before!
I miss my brother Derek always, and now I miss my Minnie dog too. They are tucked safely in a place that I can see in my dreams.

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