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Friday, January 11, 2019

Fleetwood Mac - Dreams

My life and music live side by side, as a small child I sang in church every Sunday for fun and for the stage, as the children's choir took to the steps and spotlight of the mega non-denominational church my parents attend in my first 10 years. I saw lots of crazy weird creepy and strange things in my first 10 years alive on this earth from 1979 to 1989, my parents attended all kinds of churches then settle in at mega church which held 3 services of the same program each Sunday. This huge church was growing and remodeling during those years as well since it was also a private school for christian kids during the week. My life was like a dream in all the levels I didn't understand at the very moment back in time, I knew even at the tender age of 8 years old something is very wrong, very evil in Christianity. I was cautious how much power we were giving Satan in our fear and in our prayers. I think it's like with any super hero story there is a good guy and a bad guy. They need each other to balance the battles, I look back at my first 10 years with awe of how important music was for me. The good in bad times, the songs gave me a release in my tense stressful worry of avoiding Satan and pleasing God.
It was a real issue of self control, self awareness and self check lists that followed me into my 2nd decade of life.
Songs like this were on the radio in the family car on our way to church. For each Sunday we struggled to get in our seats on time, an angry stressed out father and a worried active mother who wanted us to look perfect. Life back then was just as fleeting as it is right now but as a kid it felt like everything boring lasted forever until I could sing again.
Music was the key to helping me survive all these spiritual things, all those social requirements and a life of wanting to be connected to everything as I sure did!

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