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Monday, January 14, 2019

A Heart Of Gold

This is a classic song, a true message in finding real people. In connecting to those who have hearts of gold and shared mission in life of making this world a better place when we leave it.

This song helps me remember when we find a heart of gold we cherish it!

This is important to remember as I wonder what my next 40 years will be like......

I want to be a person with a heart of gold, I want to spend my days with like hearted people too. Lately my husband has been challenging me not to avoid very difficult people just because they are mean or selfish or just a pain to be around, he says it's those kinds of people who need the most help in my being around them. When we find good, kind, decent people to hang out with we don't challenge ourselves to grow and to learn from the horrible people all around us. I guess he is right, people who have a heart of gold can handle life just as it is, they are refreshing and comforting to be around. They don't play games to get what they want and they don't bully me when we enjoy a cup of coffee.
I told my husband that in my next half of life I am wiser and aware of what a heart of gold looks like. I will not waste my time among the selfish and the difficult.
He asked me "Isn't important to show anyone who suffers and who struggles a way out of that with your heart of gold? If you want to be around people only who are like you then wouldn't you be stuck in not using your gifts and your own experiences to teach others the value in being a good person?" I sighed annoyingly as I always do when my husband makes a good point. I was thinking my mission statement for the next 40 to 50 years of my life was to not get trapped by horrible people.

I never thought maybe that mission statement should be to help them, help them find their own hearts of gold out there in their world.

I just need to remember to take a break, to care for myself when I feel like all I am doing is searching for a heart of gold as I am getting old.....

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