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Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Telephone

The Telephone has changed so much in just the last 50 years, not to mention from when it was first created in the late 1800's. My first cell phone will always be the BEST phone I ever had!
It was shaped like the number 8, it had different rubber protector colors to change the look and I knew it all so was JUST a phone!
Sad, for that was only a decade ago as I remember it, that beloved phone was hard to give up or as the rest of society called it "Up grading" to a new phone.
My cell phone conversations changed my life and saved it many times too! I use to find a phone any where, any pay phone in the mall or a fast food parking lot and call out to my friends or far away family to chit chat in my own space. 
My parent's home was full of noise from everything happening at once or babies crying. My first cell phone was that connection to the outside world from sitting in my car to driving into town. No longer did I wait in line to call someone, or wonder if the home would stay quiet long enough to chat with someone.....
So I have a big thanks to my first cell phone, I have a wish that my cell phone never changed at the same time!
I like snapping quick picture to send at the very moment of right now for friends on the phone to see and this came about from change.
I also said that texting was silly when it first came out, why wouldn't you want to talk voice to voice? Then while I was hanging out at a loud venue I found myself texting my husband was easier then trying to chat on the phone.
NOW I do not say the next big thing added to the phone will be stupid anymore, My husband loves his GPS and his own radio from his phone, he can be anywhere and get online in ways I can't. I am not looking forward to a new phone ever but I know how nice some of these features can be.
Every so often my Aunts will give me a call, they have been steadily in my life now since my mother's stroke and I get to reflect over how wonderful it is to hear their voice and know them so well! Chatting over an hour or 2 is nothing when the miles separate us but chatting on the Phone is like sitting over coffee again!
I love my phone no matter how much it will change and how much I may not need all it can offer......yet the sound of a voice warms your heart when you can hear such love and laughter coming through! 
I will always write letters off or on the computer, I will always go on my road trips to see them but when I can't, I will most gratefully enjoy our phone time as the world changes all around us, we can still chat it up!
There is just nothing like reaching out and touching someone through such a device as the telephone!

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