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Friday, August 9, 2019


I have dreams of being in a spaceship, and I don't like it. There are so many movies made about space and traveling into the galaxy.

I for one have never thought I would love to do that, in fact after each and every story that covers the topic of outer space I think "Thank God I am on land in real air with gravity!"

I like the concept of unknown beings out there, of weird worlds we can't really fully imagine. In some of these movies these landing sights for a spaceship is often just a delusion or a detailed scene of someone having taken drugs. They bring a bit of spiritual wonder and vulnerable fears into these stories of new discoveries of the last frontier we call Space.

I think all of these stories are profound, even in the ridiculous landscape of hollywood's control, such a setup for entertainment makes the Si-Fi category a hidden spiritual category as well.

I know that the first time I watch this clip with Carl Sagan in a documentary I cried in awe and in the messed up situation we humans have made of this pale blue dot we were given. Either God or the Aliens gave us this environment to evolve into many moments, stories and profound accomplishments while also choosing destruction of the land for profit or personal gain. Humans could of been made from dust or mud or anything.....we might of been always. I guess in all the things I have study and learned about I still can't tell anyone for sure where humans came from...the imagination is open for any idea as it's so clearly a concern like maybe knowing will help us move forward in a better way.....
I doubt it, For if all the truths were known humans would be like Gods and impossible to deal with, so the not knowing if God made this planet to begin with allows for humble, kind and grateful attitudes to dwell on this utopia.

I will always believe that human beings are the servants in this world.

I will always know that we are the caretakers and the zoo keepers of these days that we live, yet not every human being thinks this way so the sadness I cry is for the truth that is shared in this video.

The spaceships that take us out of this world reminds us that we never want it destroyed from our lives, that everything we deal with day to day is nothing to the bigger picture of how everything is happening way beyond our own little minds can take in, we seek to understand or we make peace with the fact we will never know for sure just what it's all about......

I love this earth so much, I can see how without us, without any humans it will still be there maybe even thrive for we would stop draining all of it's resources. The domesticated animals would adapt or die off as this earth gives a balance to the births and deaths of all. 

I wonder if there are other earth like planets out there, if in another galaxy they are just starting out as the first humans to dwell and care for the land wondering if there is a God or another level to a person after they die? It would be fascinating to discover if there was and yet I would still not jump on board the spaceship to go find such a place I like it right where I am, even though Earth is struggling and the human race is crazy as a whole, hard for me to really understand most people so I admire the trees and sky, the grass and bugs, I delight in helping my pets have companionship and safety. It's the little delights like in making my husband dinner that makes me so happy to be on this earth.

I look back remembering as a kid my Grandma talked about The Rapture, when Jesus comes out in the sky with trumpets to call all the Christians up to heaven with him. That we no longer have to suffer on this Earth, we no longer are stuck in this place. I said "I don't want to go! I don't want to leave the earth!" Such a desire has never ever left me, even though I can see why she would love that idea so much now.....

I would joke all the time in bible study back when I was 19 or 20 when we covered the Rapture or the end of the world prophecy, that it sure would be peaceful when all the Christians have been removed from the world and my friends would reminded me that I was one too while I explained "Yes that is why I would stay behind on purpose, because someone needs to help the rest of the world understand what has happened. I think it would wonderful to be left behind."  They would always roll their eyes at me and laugh but I was honest in how I felt. I look back and smile now that I am still very much the same person 20 years later only wiser in my peace of mind having less answers for all these topics that follow the human race.

I simply know and understand that I love this planet and I am grateful to live on this earth.
In my dreams the spaceship takes me away against my will and my own common sense.....So I awake even more delight in the early summer morning because I live right here in the right now time. On this very important pale blue dot!

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