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Thursday, August 8, 2019


 On June 14, 2019 5 kittens were born from the calico cat that showed up at my parents farm. I would see her every week when I went out there to help my mom. I would worry about her and wonder if I could take her in as she was the sweetest little cat, who was very clearly going to have babies.

On mother's day my mother kept trying to get my husband to take the cat and he said a very stern NO.
Then he found a friend who would take in the Mama cat, so as the kittens were born we celebrated! I quickly put together a few pet things to help, I talked so much about the kittens every time we met up with our friend and as time proved that she couldn't keep all the kittens after all, I was so happy and proud of my husband to say we could help out in giving them a good home too.

We got to see all 5 kittens grow quickly so we easily fit 2 of them into our lives.

We talked about it carefully and I knew 2 kittens are better then one as they can be friends with each other and feel safer. They have each other's companionship.

With all that has unfolded this summer, bringing home 2 kittens was the very best part of it all.
I love just being with them. talking and kissing.
I make sure each pet has my attention and my care every morning, Lewis and Jazzy have been living outside so much now that summer is in full heat and Tinker's test results show she isn't dying after all. She is just old and has allergies. I have increased her chicken in hopes to help her gain weight again so after Oscar's foot surgery they laid together so much. I thought about how almost 13 years ago they were puppy and kitten starting out so my tears of delight is that I have been so blessed with them in my life. They have made me the best person I can be! I haven't been distracted on my pathway through life with them by my side.
They give me peace of mind in knowing we share everything!
The kittens have arrived in time to know these elder pets of mine, it won't be so easy to just have everyone together instantly but I know I can do this! I can create a bigger family for us all.
Companionship is the greatest gift in living!

Dory the speedy fast very cautious black speckled kitty only calms down when she sees Marlin her brother. He is a laid back orange and white purring fat kitten. I had to help Dory learn what the food taste like from my fingers as she was impressed and has begun to eat regularly now.

My heart and arms are bursting with such love and companionship.

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