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Monday, June 3, 2019

Time is gone.

It was 2003 when I turned on the little TV we had, it played quietly on a stool in the wide open living room of soft gray carpet and bright white walls.
We had a old pink couch, stretched out long enough for 4 people to sit at a time, it was scratchy material I hated so I would simply put soft bed sheets and blankets all over it, it looked like a mini bed with pillows too. I loved it's messy look, it's cozier feeling setup like that.
In the corner was a new recliner big and bulky, it was cream leather I hated that feeling too. It's been of my experience that leather furniture is the worse. It's gets super cold when it is cold and super hot when it's hot, it feels like you slide right out of it if you don't hang on to the frame in some way. I had a big blue blanket on that chair. It was heavy and awkward so I never tried to move it while I vacuumed.  (When you first get married like we did in July of 2003 the furniture is the least of your focus)  We had all of our money going towards our monthly rent of 600 dollars. It felt like a huge amount looking back, We both worked full time, I would walk to my job since we had just one car and I would often get home long before my husband so I would cook dinner and do all the homemaking things I still love doing to this day!
We lived on the second floor so the balcony was were we usually ate our meals and I loved always keep that door open. We were given a bed as a wedding gift from my husband's mother so that was the only real piece of furniture I loved, big and fluffy with 6 pillows and lacy sheets I would wash everything in lavender soap and keep huge vases of fresh lavender in each corner of the bed room. White and purple were my colors back then, the bathroom was in the ever popular "Finding Nemo."  to which my husband would joke about how he doesn't have any kids he just has a wife who wants to be a a kid again. The second room slowly grew into an office and the kitchen opened up into the living room as I loved cooking while listening to the TV.
I often cook up stir fry or pastas, my baking always made me feel at peace in my little home.
The dessert was always the last out of the oven and just as my husband walked in saying "Wow! I could smell that from the parking lot! I am glad it's coming from my home!"
In pouring wine glasses and handing him a plate of lasagna I would feel like being married is the best decision I have ever made!
In the timing of the TV for evenings our favorite channel was HBO. We always followed weekly the "The Sopranos." together and then I said "I just saw a preview for a new western that will be so AWESOME! I can't wait!"
In watching "Deadwood." as it aired in 2004 I sat in awe of how they talked, with such deep elegant lost language I was impressed that I understood what they were saying for the most part, the story was thrilling while it was the way they spoke that hook us into it instantly and I would laugh at the clear cut profanity after having studied the dialogue intensely. Those cuss words would pop out at me in a sudden way of showing how people are always the same in the end.  I would roll my eyes saying "He offers women as if they are as equal to liquor." my husband nods explaining "That's why I say women are safer now then ever before in history."  The show took us through some very powerful moments in the story and it was the first series I ever scream out loud in my reaction while watching!
"Deadwood" has charm and depth that I will always cherish, not just for the time that is now gone, but also making this movie 16 years later. It's all apart of remembering for me.........

We loved the movie so much that we have watched it twice now.
We reminiscence to the old stories of the first 3 seasons that was canceled abruptly. 
We can see our own gray hair coming in as the movie gave all the characters a 10 year advance.

I remember turning on the TV when I got home form work hearing the theme song from "Deadwood." play and I knew it was going to be a great night as I roasted the veggies in the oven while listening. 

Being in the year 2004 again was nice as the movie unfolded and I remembered why I loved this story so much. The movie captured the same classy way they conversed in a deep language I love! Then of course revealing the true human way of saying "Murdering thieving cocksucker." and I nod back that yup, no matter how old we get there will always be bullies among us!  
Since we first captured "Deadwood." in it's debut my husband and I have quoted that show a million times over! 
My favorite line of Jane Cannery's is "I will lay you out as soon as look at ya!" She did an excellent job in the movie having revealed one can over come drinking so much after all.
My husband often quotes E.B. Farnum with "Damp Palms run in my family." or "E.B. was left out!" We have our favorite episodes, our favorite characters.....
The time we quoted a scene word for word back and forth in a family dinner at his Mom's home that had everyone laughing so hard they almost fell off their chairs and while we hadn't even planned it to be such perfect timing, we laughed too. It's moment like that, quotes like that which make for a great memory!

I think this show will always be one of a kind, set apart simply from how well it is written and how quickly the viewer is taken in to the stories so naturally. 
I can understand if its not for everyone but I sure am glad they made a movie as equal to the drama series as it can get with all these years later!

When the news coverage threatens war for us as a nation I hear myself quoting Al Swearengen 
"Tell you God to ready for blood."

Time is gone but not forgotten, we are made wiser and strong for it all in the end.

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