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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Life is an endless lesson

It's hard to realize the story of life we dream up isn't always the reality nor is it easy to walk the path of right and wrong everyday without making a mistake once in awhile. It's the facing of the truth, the sharing of the struggles in being that gives us hope for our future even if that story is now changed, never to be the way it was. 

We make a choice every day when we awake in how we will live.
We are always changing given more information or taken under traumas.
We reinvent and adapt ourselves to the endless lessons we face, we think today differently then when we live in to the tomorrow for after today we have more information to change ourselves again.

I am thinking over how one has to be ready for a new challenge or a new story in being alive at all times.

I am reminiscing quite a bit lately because  I knew while living in those 'good old days." I was in such a great place! I was in the delight of all things, grateful for all such great memories! Knowing as I did then that I will look back in joy for loving who I was!
Now those memories help me feel stronger for these new challenges I am facing.........
I am brave, I am courage, I am strength, I am light, I am joy, I am stronger then I was back in the day, I am proud of every single day of my life, I am proud of my thoughts, of my words and of my ways in sharing my life. 
And I am grateful for all the  friendships I had who all have passed away now......and who are new to my time.
I reminisce becomes it comforts me so much, yet I will never go back and make the same mistakes again. 
Life is an endless lesson.
Therefore I am always learning, sometimes teaching but always learning.
I am trying not to hide away from the future yet I am tired that it's not unfolding in an easier way, I keep thinking that I have lived through so much it's time to share in a lazy happy chapter of this story in living my life.

While only goodness can shine out best when bad times come to pass.
I am my own being in all things.

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