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Monday, October 22, 2018


      This film is in my top 10 movies of all time.
It is as profound and deep as the ocean it shows us, as endless in possibilities as the sky above!
Robert Redford recently announced he will not be acting any more and I had to chuckle to myself thinking how I hope to be as active as he is at 82 years old.

This movie is simply breathing taking and Amazing!
Ever since I watched it I have thought about his self-reliance and self-awareness. 
His life time of knowledge in running his boat all by himself, his peace of mind being just with his own thoughts. It's a fascinating movie with such beauty in weather and nature, the man in the wild. He has such a kind wrinkled face with telling expressions on how he feels or what he is thinking. The whole movie is a metaphor for life.
This is a movie goes deep into the soul of us all! If we look for it, we can find it so very clearly!
When I watched this movie I was struggling so much in my life as my husband wasn't there much, as he's own life was very stressful and I knew that I had to let him be. He wanted a quiet home so I put this movie on having learned it was incredibly quiet. It was exactly what I needed that night as I cried on watching it in pure awe!  
I knew in that moment as the movie ended that I will never fit in, never be what the society thinks is successful and most importantly never be in my husband's world. And I was okay with that after all. I was okay with how I don't like the way the world works right now. Because I choose light and life, I choose to be completely on my own in a boat in the sea! This gave me such joy, such excitement for my old age. If I can be just like Robert Redford when I am 82 years old then I would know All isn't lost for I have found my way through in the best wisdom he has handed down to me!
I will miss him so much in the movies, for I look for him at the movie choices every time. 
His interview on Fresh Air about this movie "All is Lost." was a classic, a truth that I knew when I see this story unfold I would love it completely, because being okay with who we are is a message I believe in, being independent in taking a break from all the noise, from all chatter of society is something I have always done. We can't make it on own but we can respect ourselves along the way. I am looking forward to seeing Robert Redford's last movie but it will always be this movie that I love the most! For he gave me hope, he gave me wisdom and he gave me a tearful smile on my face!
Life is a journey, a new adventure every day and sometimes it's harder then you ever realized it could be.
I will always be grateful for this film and for all the work Robert Redford gave us!

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