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Friday, February 22, 2013

Loving Oscar

He is your friend, your partner, your defender,

Your Dog.

You are his life, his love, his Leader.

He will be yours, Faithful and True.

To the very last beat of his heart
he understands his job, his time.

YOU owe it to him to be worthy
of such devotion.

Oh Oscar my Oscar! Loving you has been the greatest joy and discovery in all of my days! Oh how sunny the world looks whenever we can run and played with each other, whenever we can take a nap or cuddle, I love how you lay your head under my chin when I carry you around! How cozy it is to ALWAYS sleep beside each other every night in the last 6 years.
 Oh Oscar my Oscar! How easy it is to love you! Your fuzzy eye brows or tilted head, those looks you give when things are not as they should be. How adorable it is to see you walk or run with that heart shape patch on your butt and those brown eyes!
You will forever be the dog that brought around me to what is really important. Loving you and protecting you is something I will always honor.
Oh Oscar my Oscar! The ocean waves call to us as we embrace the air and run along side it together, The snowman we make every winter as you know I will be rolling on the ground with you in the white fluffy stuff then carry you in a towel to warmth of our couch. The spring time longer walks and the summer time river side talks we have been through it all together. Loving you is never boring and I am never alone in your eyes!
Oh Oscar my Oscar! we shall have many more years ahead but I want you to know now that I will treasure it all as time unfolds. I want you to be happy with your family, How you protect Little Sidda and How you snuggle next to big Minnie. How you race to Tinker's side when she growls at Jazzy. How you let Jazzy rub all over you or how cute you look napping next to Lewis.
You are my watchful clever dog who doesn't like when those bigger dogs next door bark at us and it's so sweet to see you whine up at me in hopes that I can make they stop. Because I've always step up in front of you for your protection while you gladly hide behind in support......For Loving you is my life and my heart is deeply grateful!

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