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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I love my pets

Today's lovely morning had us all outside, it's such a huge backyard that often I have to wander awhile before finding out where Oscar treed a squirrel! It's a beautiful place full of trees and bushes and gardens. I love living here because of the huge land surrounding the house, this perfect backyard! (....and I think Jazzy likes to all this room to jump on Tinker just to see her freak out!)
 This is Lewis and Jazzmin in the morning warmth

My cats and dogs have come to love living here too.....hard to believe that we get to live in such a lovely place!
Yesterday mid afternoon I was taking a nap and Oscar snuggled right up into my arms in a puppy like sweet way, he usually naps in his own space but on this afternoon I was peacefully loving his soft curling ears against my cheek and his beautiful brown eyes that relaxed into a nice long nap time! Oh I love this dog more then I could ever really explain or do it justice!
 When it comes to playtime Sidda my oldest and smallest dog loves chasing the cats either Tinker or Jazzy especially but also in chasing and running along side Oscar. He will always protect her and she knows it! They are cutest pups rolling along the leaves and dirt then racing inside and out again in their happy morning frenzy! Minnie our latest pack member never gets all that excited about games or chasing she usually doesn't even like being outside much, She does however love her big bed every morning waking up to roll and snort and be silly! She could care less if another dog or cat lays up beside her and she is most attentive when treats comes out.
She has a desire to belong in our family, while not actually wearing herself out at the same time. Her endless happiness and laid backs ways makes me love her adorable silliness all the more!

The fact that all 3 dogs get
along with all 3 cats so nicely,
makes me the most proud of
creating such a family as this!

I always keep everyone happy and safe in our backyard, for life is a beautiful magical place where time stands still and most importantly where I love every single moment of my life!

I LOVE my pets, My sweet sweet souls!

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