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Friday, May 26, 2017

The end of Light

             My Siblings and I had a very stressful time through our teen years, with lots of changes back then not just with our own growing bodies, but there lots of stress/drama with our parents that finally in the evenings especially after a bad dinner time with lots of craziness, we teenagers would escape out into the orchards or the foothills to get away for a bit of peacefulness before bed time. 
I had a regular spot where I walked up the side of our Grandparent's home to watch the wide open sunset unfold......
Sometimes as I sat watching out over the landscape when my brother Derek would find me and I would be so annoyed at the sight of him "IF you sit here with me then be quiet, don't be preachy right now." He rolled his eyes at me and sarcastically say "And You are sooooo perfect, yourself." 
I sat silently with my hand up to stop his talking "This is my quiet reflecting quiet if you sit here with me." I stared ahead hoping to not miss a single sun beam or color change in the sky.
He chuckled to himself "This is coming from YOU?" 
I sighed sadly watching the sunset so beautiful stretched out in front of us as we sat there together for a moment and I stated out loud  "Being a teenager totally sucks..." Derek sat beside me nodding his head with a smirk explaining with a chuckle "I knew you couldn't just sit here and not speak." I looked at him sheepishly and nodded, "I know! if you weren't here I would be quiet...I would! But I just don't like growing up it's so scary that these sunsets help me know it will be okay after all."
Derek looked at his watched even more amused "SEE, you are still talking more then me! I would have you know that I can sit here and not say a single word, but YOU can't." I playfully pushed him to the side and shared "I can't just ignore you, that would be rude and I have a lot on my mind that is why I come here to sort it all out without distractions." Derek kept his watch up to his face and pointed not responding but still communicating how long I was still talking and I pause in mid-sentence in realizing how we were missing the sunset hour. I frozen in a funny face and then quickly sat back to watch the horizon stretching out all around us as  
we both chuckled over the moment on the hillside while the night slowly came into the farmland below us.
So in peaceful quietness we sat side by side dangling our legs in the soft cool dirt side sloping down into the fruit orchards towards the irrigation canal that opened up towards the end of light, the setting sun.
We waited there before we had to return to our curfew back at home, we just sat there enjoying all the colors of the closing day.


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