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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How to Comfort

It was a sunny afternoon in the Starbucks where I worked, the warmth light from the sky brighten the whole center of the mall as I stocked the milk frig. My green apron was always messy and my wild sweaty hair pointed out from my head to one big pony tail. "Hey Shively!" Marissa exclaimed as she clocked on for her arriving shift. (I truly loved being called by my last name it always made me feel like an actual COOL person, the same way I feel if someone gives me a high five in the air! RIGHT ON!) So I grinned up at Marissa naturally, the girl is exactly 10 years younger then me although a foot taller with short black spiky hair, she was more "matter of fact" in her ways but we usually got along just fine. "Whatta up?" I asked bending up from the stocked frig. She began  "I was at church last night wishing YOU were there!" and suddenly I choked out a loud laugh as I shrugged and replied "HA sorry Girlie, it's never going to happen..." She didn't skip a beat like always explaining "What I mean is my friend came up to me crying her dog had just died....and well I remember YOU have dog too so maybe you would have known what to say to her? Because I didn't, I was amazed to see her crying over something like that." I felt my face soften as I listened for I knew exactly what Marissa was saying. I have had many friends like Marissa in the past, the "I don't cry unless it is an extreme situation." kind of people. I sighed listening to Marissa's story as I replied whispering "Oh your poor sweet friend, Did you at least give her a hug?" Marissa stood by me now in front of the espresso machine with a funny face of confusion "Kinda....I mean I guess I don' know but what I DID think was "Wish Shively was here with me, she WOULD know for sure what to do!" I was chuckling and nodding back. I softly explained "Well here's what to remember even if you don't like dogs, but think of someone you have loved, someone who you miss or even known as died then think of that sad goodby feeling you get and give a hug to your friend if she cries a long time she will feel better and you won't have to say a word in fact its best if you can't relate to just NOT say anything at all. like this..." I held out my arms to Marissa with a sad face and she rolled her eyes pushing me back. "Hey Don't roll your eyes let's say my dog DID just die that would hurt my feeling AGAIN." We both giggled and she nodded "SEE I knew YOU know what to do...wish I could have called you in the very moment for advice I think I DID offend her a bit by not liking her tears.....It was JUST a dog anyway." My face went into a stern look as I said "NEVER EVER say that out loud!!! Sheeeesh lady ya have to know how to comfort a person not insult them! Sure it's just a dog to you BUT to her it was a best friend, a companion and even a family member closer then any actual person can get to one's heart actually.Most people let a pet in when people are blocked out!" Marissa looked surprised at me thn thoughtfully said out loud "Well I've never thought of it like that...." I nodded understanding once again what she was saying, as we worked together making coffee drinks for passing through customers I continued "That's why it's good you thought of me because now you will be ready next time!" I smiled reassuringly back, Then instantly Marissa froze asking bewildered "There will be a NEXT TIME?" I giggled while nodding "Yes, for ALL dogs died one day....another friend WILL come to you again" She snorted out "Then why even have a dog!?!" I replied confidently "Because the life of dog along side yours is more magical, and wonderful in everything you face together! That nothing not even the approaching death can keep you both apart! Life is just made better all around! For me it's worth it to be together have a rich full life until the end!"

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