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Friday, September 24, 2010

The Dating Game

One evening when I was in the 6th grade, I was driving around the farm with my Dad in his pick-up.  We had been checking sprinklers through out the orchard trees, It was dusk, the sun was setting when we were about to head home for the night. Then my Dad began talking about Dating. I giggled as he started "Someday you will start dating, and you really need to know how to play the game." I snorted uncomfortably. He nodded smiling and watching me out of the corner of his eye while driving around the Apple Orchard. "See Debby when you like a boy you need to act like you don't like him and play it cool. Then he will be interested in you and excited for the challenge of getting you to like him." I let out a huge laugh replying "That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" My Father's surprised glanced made me stop speaking. I knew I had to watch what I said carefully for Dad was really looking serious. "It's not stupid. You need to learn how it works, If You have a boy you like then you need to keep him interested by acting like you don't like him. Guys like the chase and the challenged. You need to not show your emotions and feeling so easily. That way it will keep the boy guessing." Dad finished with a nod like that is it, he had that on his mind for me and decided now was the time to teach me. I frowned looking at him suspiciously waiting on what I wanted to say. He asked "Well does that make sense?" I gave a quick "NO." folding my arms. Dad was chuckling while shaking his head as he steered the truck home. "So what do you not understand?" I hesitated awkwardly looking at him, I was wondering if I should speak honestly. I felt like I was going to rattle on with all my racing thoughts. He looked at me when I didn't quickly answer. Maybe to see if I was paying attention, "Go ahead, what?" he ask. I just sighed thinking to myself "Okay here it goes." 
I stammered quickly "IF I liked a boy(Which I don't)" I lied. "Then that is the stupidest way to get him to like me! By acting like I don't like him!? Think about it... so this boy sees me acting like I don't like him, Then he will come around closer because he suddenly likes me, So let's just say he tells me he wants to "Go Out", I can then tell him I like him after all?  So now he is suddenly my boyfriend because I treated him badly Pretending not like him?! What will happen when he is bored because I really DO like him? and then he starts chasing after a new girl who is acting like she doesn't like him? I would be so sad and hurt, THAT is why I think it's stupid, dating must really be stupid if this is how you play the game." I folded my arms over my chest really annoyed at my conclusion. My Dad's expression was frozen in total surprise, then he laughed till he wiped the tears from his eyes. We were getting out of the vehicle when I finished sharing my thoughts on what Dad was trying to warn me about in the world of Boys. He half hugged me as we walked into the warm glow of the house while night fell around us. He took a deep breath saying "I don't think I have anything to worry about with you." He kept chuckling when the door close and I went off to bed. But I would remember this conversation through out the years as I realized I couldn't play the dating game, it really wasn't in my nature.

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