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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Nothing Compares to you

My husband Tony and I met each other 19 years ago this May.......seems just like yesterday sometimes.

Tony walked in to the shop I was sweeping around the registers after having washed out all the trash cans so it didn't stink so much, as working a fruit stand local small grocery store can often do. I loved my deep cleaning projects each week, I set a goal for myself on what to get done.
I had been told that Tony was coming in so I made a list of things he could do as I got into my soapy bucket and really washed down the display cases. I think this song was playing on the radio when he first walked in.....

He was instantly flirting with me but by the end of that afternoon we were in a deep debate, a disagreement. I will always remember liking him the very second we shook hands and not liking him when I went home from work that night. 
HA! Such is life!

We worked side by side a few hours a day for a whole week, He was 19 and I was 20 so in being friends first we took the next 4 years slowly in getting married and really knowing each other.

I often think of how challenging we are to each other, of how supporting we are as well. It's good to want the best for each other so we never hide our true feelings or struggles.  I look back in awe over all of our adventures, our shared stories and many social situations that taught us along the way.

It's not always perfect but it sure is peaceful as we sit a moment with a beer in the cool evening on our patio looking out over the big backyard as I share my gardening ideas and he says "Sounds good to me! I am glad ya like that sort of thing. I'm going to reformat our lap tops and get our movie list in order so we can stream to all the areas of the house." I chuckle at him saying "I am glad you like that sort of thing." and we laugh!

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