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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Faith Hill - "Wild One"

To ALL the women out there fighting for a chance at a life of their own!   As I heard reports of the latest school shooting being blamed on a girl rejecting the shooter's advances as I see the common reports on women breaking up with men then they go on a shooting rampage. I sigh sadly and shake my head for women should never be afraid to live their own life, have a say in their own situation. To be brave enough in standing up to any man or any one who tries to control them, to disrespect them or make them not who they really are.  If they call you the wild one, then chances are that you are on the right track for a great life out there in the world! 
Be brave and fight against the blame, women are force to be reckon with! Don't be on the wrong side of history when they speak up all together.
Whenever I hear "If women were in charge...." I smile and nod adding "We can be in charge, it takes team work and true courage to fight back!"

"She's a wild one!"
I tip my hat with a proud smile saying "Well then GOOD for her!"

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