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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

My Sad Story

        As everyone gathered, as everyone got seated for the ceremony program in honoring Derek's wonderful life I noticed our childhood church held memories that were flooding me like an ocean wave and I just wanted to stay there in my mind and in the past.
Where he smiled and laughed or even lectured about something he knew.
As everyone gathered I realized that this would be my sad story for the rest of my life, this was going to be it.

When the memorial service, as everyone gathered as the church was packed, as I already knew it would be.
Earlier that week my father said "Everyone hates funerals." I replied "Yes but Everyone loved Derek, so you will need more room then you ever thought possible."
He nodded at me as we both knew this kind of pain doesn't ever go away.

 As the service began as I sat with my family, as I felt so raw and so aware at the very same time.
This was going to be a program honoring such a good man, that I would never want it to end.
As the leading speaker who clearly knew my brother began the memorial service by saying "I'm going to do something a bit different and ask all you to stand in applause for the life of Derek Klein."
I burst forth such pride and such honor in clapping hard. 
It felt so powerful and so good to clap on with all the love I have for my brother!
With all the memories we shared in being there for each other over the years, in challenging each other to be our best selves and in our simple understanding that as siblings we were lucky to stay friends.
Clapping all together in honor of his life and in honor of his kindness to this world I was made stronger. I was made better for in that moment we were all so very proud of him.

I use to think that I had some sad stories in my life but nothing can ever compare to this very week of last year......
I use to think that my brother was always going to be here with me on this beautiful earth.
I use to think so many things that I don't anymore, my sad story will always teach me how quickly everything can change. How precious life can be! Especially one so loved that the sound of clapping fills the room when he takes his leave. 

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