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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Smart $

It's been a journey for me looking back at my bank account much like sharing how my kitchen skills improved so have my money saving skills!
Last year at this time we hit a total zero in our bank account something I have never seen since getting married over a decade ago. When I lived on my own I fell flat on my face in confusion over how I worked over 40 hours a week sometimes adding a second job even and still not having enough money to pay my 3 bills. So as I discovered department store credit cards I dug my 22 year old self into a 3,000 dollar debt before I had ever lived on my own for a whole year! Gratefully I had people in my life at that time to give me wise advice changing my helpless money handling ways. To BE successful isn't to own the nicest things and dressing with the latest styles, I am glad I figured that all out before turning 30! It became very important to me in being debt free and using my money to better small business and improve my quality of life. My 20 dollars brought home 3 lavender plants and a bag of potting soil to grow year after year as my 20 dollar jeans wore out and became shorts that I wore to cut the endless lavender for my beautiful home life!  Thinking about the story of stuff, about how money is so easily mishandled. I changed my whole life style over the last decade because I saw a 60 dollar shirt in the mall meant I had to work for 8 hours at the coffee shop in order to buy it. However my 6 dollar shirt of the very same style was paid for at the thrift shop allowing me to take the next day off from work with money to spare! So I knew I didn't want to be caught up on my self image anymore, I wanted to be free in living my life making homemade salsa more! Everything needs money so knowing where that cost goes helps me decide what is THIS worth to me? Taking what I already own and reusing it in a clever way always leaves me smiling bigger then if I had to stay in line at the register buying a new one. Smart money is what I want to have, being down beyond the savings line last year made me realize from here on out I will stay sharp and clever so that the only meal for 3 days isn't popcorn ever again! OR my famous "mackerel tomato soup" where as my husband to this day won't ever eat it again, I thought it was really good after having starved for is like that full of important lessons to learn. Be ready, be prepared and be smart about those "personal fiances".  I love reading this blog James Altucher for that same honesty in failing, in struggling when trying to figure out how this game of life is played. I also like knowing we become better having fallen flat our faces in making mistakes.....I enjoy having a job, I enjoy being home, I like to go shopping sometimes and I like to just sit all day at the coffee shop too. Money doesn't scare me anymore, doesn't feel like I need to be rich in order to be happy, I am glad that I failed when first living on my own trying to prove to the world or to my parents that I was successful. It's embarrassing of course to be made humble, but I look back ever so glad to know that feeling and wake up to what I really want my life to be in the end. With this life lesson my wallet can only hold smart $ now!  

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