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Friday, November 26, 2010

Harry Potter

I fell head over heels in love with Harry Potter in the first movie "Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone." I just happened to be out looking to see a movie at the dollar theater, my roommates had said they were coming but they got suddenly stoned instead. So while I set out their munchies, and told everyone to be safe when they left the smoke ring. I went out on my own self date....I really wasn't into to pot, I got high once and everyone said I chattered fast all about food and my love for the different kinds of food in the world. Funny I only remember sleeping the best sound sleep in a long time, I was stoned along with a head cold so sleep was delightful but marijuana was not "my cup of tea". I didn't like that distance head flooding feeling or that alone part of being stone. I liked going out to dinner and movies engaging in conversations and being actually in the present time. So as I watched Harry Potter's first movie I was so amazed by the magical world.
When I found out they were based off the books by J.K Rowling, I quickly borrowed them to catch up with the rest of the world. My co-workers were always discussing the stories, they were complaining the movies weren't exactly like the books and I had to explain they are not meant to be. For the books are a whole other world into your imagination bringing so much information and details that a movie can not display. The movies are a whole other world of entertainment. I love the movies for the pure escape they give into the virtual world and how fun it is to share that movie growing excitement with others around you. The books give way to the creativity of your mind and thoughtful discussions. I think both worlds are perfect and magical. Somehow we have traded wonder for reason in our society with day to day life. I will grab a wand any boring old day and come back to life with such beauty, with such wonder again. I may mimic the movie with a "swish and flick" or laugh happily over troll boogers!  The fact that these stories have children reading again, have whole families dressing up for the movies and everyone sharing in the magical memories of the midnight releases with tons and tons of cheering then I say humbly " that's magic!"

Taking my husband to the 3rd movie "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" he quickly fell right into the story also. He was amazed at these movies were good after all. He had been thinking they were only for kids and that he wasn't going to be one of those geeky fans. When that movie was over I sighed out loud saying
"Ooooh If only there was such a world..." in my dreamy voice, my hubby Tony burst out laughing as he said I was so cute! he would then watch for every movie to come out on DVD and quickly get it for me as surprise saying happily "If only there was such a world!" He really loved that thought of mine.
We saw the 4th movie "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" I couldn't help but cry as Harry's parents showed such genuine love and protection for their son. Tony waited in line to buy that dvd for me. He said it was crazy just how many people were waiting at that same moment it was released. He also commented he would never do that for anything except for me...<3
I loved watching the 5th movie "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" in the IMAX theater, Tony had reserved those tickets way in advance and there was a part of the film in 3-D. The story keeps getting built up going to a place of pure excitement and understanding how it's all connected. I was not sure I was ready to watch the 6th movie. For I had read all the books as they came out, though I never stood in line for the book releases I did however watch all the excitement. On the last book release at midnight Tony and I were in our pajama pants and house robs while we drove all around town looking at the crowds at the book stores, we compared notes to which place had the best party. And Barnes N Noble had the classiest people in costume and in setup. They had balloons and a speaker with games and cheering. It was fun to see the celebration, Tony said he loved to see such a spectacle from the cozy comfort of his own car.
Now the 6th part "Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince." both in book and in movie were so powerful that I couldn't help but really cry, I know that things can not stay the same forever and I really understand that sense of lost, of heroes with their amazing protection. At the midnight showing for that 6th movie Tony exclaimed looking around "WE are the OLDEST people here!!?" I laughed reminding him that we have just reached our 30s. Then I notice everyone was very young while holding a lite up cell phone in hand, there was a huge scream at the preview of the second "Twilight." My Hubby quickly covered his ears mumbling "What the HELL?" I whispered over to him "It's Twilight the stupidest movies ever made for struggling sexually charged teenage girls, who are completely consumed with their outward looks and are afraid of getting old." I drank from my soda with a smirk as the screaming continued. Tony spat back "What is the world coming to?....Oh great now I even sound like an old person!" When the second preview came on with Nicholas Cage, Tony let out a manly roar and cheer but since he was like the only man there he was left with his own voice echoing the theater and I laughed hysterically!
Tony said that was going to be his last midnight movie celebration for he really was getting to old for that kind of thing. So I was relieved find a good friend, another hardcore fan like myself to go to the midnight showing of the final movie "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." though they split this into 2 parts, I am not complaining for they are truly  Magnificent!  I even decided that since this is the grand finale I would dress up! It was a magical midnight party and I wouldn't be bored to go a few more times, So yesterday Tony and I went on a romantic date. It was in the  more normal hours of the evening for us "old folk". Tony said he felt a bit sad that this magical world is coming to an end though he thinks they dragged it on long enough at the same time. I commented that these movies will become such classics, Tony laughed in reply "Of course! For we all wish there was such a world!"

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