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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Believing in all things

There are 2 kinds of people in this world; The ones who believe everything happens for a reason and those who think NO ONE is coming to save us.

In the movie "Signs." by M. Knight Shyamalan,  the realization that there's life out in space is intriguing as the movie starts out drawing you in to this world of all the unknown things that could be out there!

  I saw this movie 4 times in the theater, first time I was on my own and then I couldn't stop talking about it so I invited friends to go see it with me again and again!
There are 2 kind of people in this world I would say with such excitement because it made sense to me, and I knew that I am the kind of person who believes everything happens for a reason and is connected to something bigger then just us in this little world. 

Maybe it is because I was raised as a christian that I grew up in the wonder of God, I felt connected to this magical movie so much. AND I knew how the Mel Gibson character felt, in self-doubt, angry at God for letting bad and sad things happen.

I refer to this movie all the time when talking about the 2 kinds of people in the world, those who believe no one is coming to save us, and those who believe that they are not alone, that everything is connected for a reason. I have been on both sides of this fact, I have been jaded and pissed off, I have been hopeful and happy......I guess we never know what will happen next in this life time of ours so we can find ourselves wishing there is a God and wishing there isn't.
I am in awe of this movie, every single time I watch it, I am in awe! I choose that sense of wonder! I choose to see connections in every little thing around me from the worm in the dirt I disturb, to the bird who sings in the tree above me....I believe in ALL things! I hope for love everlasting, for a God of pure grace and for magic of each birth under the stars and sun! We are the same energy that moves the ocean water and we are the same life force that grows in a garden!  I can see the endless possibilities for a better future, I can embrace the wonder of nature and hear the call of the wild as I live wisely knowing I am never alone when I take a walk on my own.
LIFE is the spirit and the soul is seeking to understand more and more of everything that's out there in the Universe! I think it's the hope that this movie capture the best, the difference in giving up on life and fully living it! We need faith, hope and grace in order to handle ourselves among all the unanswered questions about God, life and death.  I will always choose to stay open and aware of all these wonders, all these mysteries and most importantly I will listen to what is out there beyond the stars if I can!

I held the crystal in my hand and said "It's so cold, smooth and beautiful! I wonder what kind of stories it holds if we could see back through time all the other hands that touched this." My friend smiled at me wisely saying "You are a natural with the stones and crystals, are you sure that you haven't ever been in a shop like this before?" I shrugged back explaining "I haven't, I didn't grow up with any books on crystals but I feel like each one has it's own blessings and curses, it's good or bad memories.....and I notice with even rocks by the river they all have different temperatures and colors for a reason." She laughed and smiled proudly "I bet you have ancestors who were energy workers, who knew some magic even!"  I walked around the shop a bit more being 29 years old I was trying to figure out what I believe in again, I had left religion so quickly that I never thought of what I truly and honestly believed in, so as the beautiful stones, rocks and crystals decorated my shopping afternoon I was lost in thoughts of how I can embrace my own spirituality then the possibilities are endless to imagine and endless to learn new things every day!
I want to believe everything is connected, it gives me comfort and it gives me a sense of adventure for my future!      

There are 2 kinds of people in this world. 
So which type are you?

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