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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Just a Spring Morning

There is a certain joy in the season of spring and it is for me the fact the moment I jump out of bed after waking up to the 3 dog faces touching mine and maybe even 2 cats in the mix....I srping into action in getting my dogs outside, opening that back door to my bedroom with the scented of lilacs in the fresh air! This is what I love about my life and my family the happiness in our morning routine in where as coffee brews and the news plays over head from the huge TV (That my husband Tony got from his Grandpa) I can simply leave the door and windows open as I happily cook breakfast. Of course my husband is not and will never be a morning person he still delights in my big breakfast plates and coffee brought to his cozy chair, he lets me know what is happening in the world as I start out my day, I race around for breakfast on the tables of cats and in the crates of dogs thinking as I hug and kiss each one how AMAZING is my life life right now? Then at the joking around of my husband who keeps asking me over and over again for a refill of his coffee cup while I tend to all things in cleaning up he usually can get me to finally say "Go get your own damn coffee!" then he laughs like a little kid as I frown. "I love it! EVERY morning you snap eventually and I am glad you are not just a "Push over". He says as if he had been worried about me so I roll my eyes. "Is it fun for him to do this EVERY morning?" I wonder to myself and then I sit back to my own plate of food while the news gives way thinking about the upcoming day. My morning time debating and challenging with my husband on just how different we are and yet how very much the same we are as well, is exactly how ALL mornings should be I sometimes there are appointments before 10am that take away from our usual banter but on those days we make it appoint to debate over a fire pit, or share a beer. Yet for me morning time is lazy, fun and yummy full of bacon and eggs in waking up slowly and cozily! This is why Spring holds that greater love for the outside world, I love eating breakfast on the patio MOST of ALL!  Where as winter mornings can last ALL day long under blankets and napping pets because it's so cold we all cuddle in more and I can not tell when the hours are changing for day time. 
When life gets busy I try to still maintain my lazy mornings with a good healthy breakfast and that delightful time to wake up awhile, this is the key in what I found works for me! In what makes me strong enough for the whole day ahead, and whatever unknown event it still holds.....
Usually starting out the best in just a spring morning when I get to leave the door OPEN!

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