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Friday, July 22, 2016

Self Work

          It was a warm June afternoon when I could feel a pull to go the book signing of Don Miguel Ruiz Jr., What are the chances that he comes HERE??? To Boise Idaho! 
I was defiantly going! I planned my whole beautiful June day around getting to the book signing. 

That evening was so lovely outside nice and cool after I had gotten some seeds in the garden, had feed my dogs dinner and tried to get my husband to go, He said it would just be a mad house event so he declined.
Yet it wasn't very bad at all in the group that were all seated and since I came in late the group standing in the back had a clear shot view of Don Miguel JR. as he burst out with so much love and appreciation  to be there!

Now I had been thinking that I didn't give myself enough time to get there but then again being at the back allowed me to meet this author in person before he spoke. I was in awe that he hugged me and was so out going, friendly and inspiring!

Standing there that evening listening and watching him share such heartfelt life experiences and explain what is "Self Love", what is "Self Aware." and most importantly how to master ourselves! I had tears in my eyes when he was done, for I felt like i neede to hear these things and be reminded i have to first care for myself before I take on caring for everyone else around me!
I was left asking myself "What do I want my life to look like? What do I need to say yes to more and No to more? Why am I always thinking of giving other people gifts and things? Maybe I should give myself more self work time? "
The book "The Mastery Of Love." changed my whole life when I was 22 years old, now here that Author's son was right before me sharing his own book "The Mastery Of Self." I was in this magical awe and the summer sky was a purple peachy soft blue, the downtown scene was lively and starting to light up as night came slowly and warmly creeping in! I walked the streets I know like the back of my hand with a newly purchased copy and signed book to inspire me to grow! To inspire me to be more self alert!

June is my most beloved month of all! It's bursting forth so much magic and hope for the summer time ahead that my heart is full and on fire with a sense of adventure and a sense of a whole new season!

As I have been reading this book a little bit every night before bed I am transported to a whole new way of thinking about my life and what I have been doing with my time here on this earth....

My own self-talk in my head has been goofy and comical for years now, I never ever call myself stupid or fat, I am never a piece of shit nor am I ever telling myself a lie about who I am. I dealt with those words of judgement back when I was just 20 years old and in the book "The Mastery of Love." I learned how important it is to not eat emotional poison from other peoples judgement and their own inner voices that come out to hurt me. My inner voices of my self thoughts have grown into a garden of pure beauty and wonder that I hope I can share bravely and happily with the whole world around me!

Reading "The Mastery of Self." right now in my life is perfect timing and perfect food for my thoughts before I get some sleep. My dreams are far more deep and magical because of the words I choose to fill my mind up with. I am the Master of my self, I would never make a choice for my life to go against myself as long as I stay aware of what those choices are and how to handle them as they pop up. I am the Master of my love, my life stories and my everyday attitude!  I am free to give to myself peace of mind and grace as I give towards everyone else around me, these are the ideas and messages I needed to be reminded of!

On that Magical Night I walked through my favorite book store, in my favorite mindset and in my favorite comfy tennis shoes to get my new book signed by such a wonderful man whose happiness and charm was bursting forth such hope for my own life's energy!

I was truly grateful to be there, lost in my own love to be alive and in my own joy for knowing these books are the most important books to have and to hold in my heart, forever and ever I will cherish this day and this moment! I will learn to master my self, to let my soul take on the journey..........just like I had learned a week before how to move from my South Node to My North Node! I am embracing every second of the month of June and carrying my new book proudly on into the stories of my life!

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