When Harry met Sally (A Movie review)
"When Harry met Sally" came to film in1989, I was just 10 years old and every TV commercial about this movie made my mom jump out of her chair to change the channel. She didn't like this modern story so by her surprising reaction I took note to remember this movie and watch it someday. I was dating Tony when this show was randomly on TV. Tony was surprised I had never seen it before, as I excitedly said "I have wanted to actually watch this since I was 10 years old!" Happily I found the movie completely wonderful! Tony said Sally reminded him of me, As the first part of the story has her driving talking about being a basically a happy person. Sally is played by Meg Ryan and Harry is Billy Crystal. When Harry spits grapes on Sally's car window I laughed out loud thinking it reminded me of moments with Tony. As Tony and I cuddled together watching this film, I said giggling "Well if I am Sally then YOU are Harry! Harry who thinks about death and how he will be ready for it hahahaha." When Harry and Sally have the very same disagreement that Tony and I were currently having about whether or not guys and girls could just be friends. I said Yes it was possible to just be friends with the opposite sex with no sexual tension or desire. But Tony said there will always be an aliment of sexual desire when a friendship is of 2 people in the opposite sex. So in this movie when the same conversation came up I was laughing so hard. Discussions and disagreeing is all part of a relationship, having these ideas or thoughts were apart of growth. I loved this movie how it broke off into interviews of other couples sharing their stories. Before long I could say line for line in this movie from watching it all the time, I felt like it played a big part of who Tony and I are in our own love story. AND it also has the very BEST New year's eve kiss EVER captured on film! XoXoXo
I LOVE that movie!!!